Canada Underground has two main meanings:
- Underground City, Montreal: Underground City, also known as RÉSO, is a series of interconnected underground passageways that link metro stations, shops, hotels, office towers, and other buildings in downtown Montreal, Quebec, Canada. It is the largest underground pedestrian network in the world, with over 32 kilometers (20 miles) of tunnels and passages.
- The Underground Railroad: The Underground Railroad was a network of secret routes and safe houses that helped enslaved people in the United States escape to freedom in Canada. The Underground Railroad was active from the late 18th century to the mid-19th century, and it is estimated that it helped over 100,000 people escape to freedom.
In addition to these two main meanings, Canada Underground can also refer to other underground activities and organizations in Canada, such as:
- Underground music venues
- Underground art galleries
- Underground political organizations
- Underground religious groups
- Underground sports teams and leagues
Canada Underground is a diverse and vibrant community, and it plays an important role in Canadian culture and society. Search Canada Underground Tours.