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Cocktail of the week: Story Cellar’s flintlocke – recipe | The good mixer

ICYMI: A rum punch with a sparkling edge If you’re planning on serving this to a crowd, make up a batch of the rum base mix in the morning, then chill it. To serve, simply measure into glasses on the night and top with the fizz. Jonathan Kleeman, group beverage manager, Story Cellar, London WC2 Continue […]

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Georgina Hayden’s recipe for brothy braised chicory and beans

This is real winter comfort food: creamy white beans offset by chilli spice, salty anchovies and bitter chicory When I want something wholesome and comforting, cooking beans this way is my go-to. The dish consists mostly of ingredients I always have in the cupboard or fridge, and I mix up the vegetables depending on what’s […]

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Cocktail of the week: Story Cellar’s flintlocke – recipe | The good mixer

A rum punch with a sparkling edge If you’re planning on serving this to a crowd, make up a batch of the rum base mix in the morning, then chill it. To serve, simply measure into glasses on the night and top with the fizz. Jonathan Kleeman, group beverage manager, Story Cellar, London WC2 Continue […]

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Spaghetti Recipes are Best for the Kitchen Table

ICYMI: Be fulfilled with a pan of desirable taste of spaghetti pasta radiating on your dining table this evening with a scrumptious loaf of bake oven bread.

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Live ones go in paper bags, dead ones in the freezer: the volunteers saving birds that fly into windows

ICYMI: Across Toronto, a team sets out at dawn to rescue migrating birds that have collided with buildings, and keep a record of the thousands each year that don’t make it

Every morning at dawn, a dozen volunteers scour the streets of Toronto picking up small birds. Some days they will find hundreds of them, most already dead or dying. A few they are able to save. Live birds are put in brown paper bags and driven to wildlife recovery centres, while dead birds are put in a large freezer. If no one picks them up, their carcasses are swept up by street cleaners.

“One of my first days was really horrific,” says Sohail Desai, a volunteer with the charity Fatal Light Awareness Program (Flap) Canada, which has about 135 people patrolling the streets across Toronto. Desai was walking close to his house in the North York area in Toronto when a flock of golden-crowned kinglets flew into a 15-storey glass building. Continue reading…

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