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Climate change could cost billions in additional building maintenance: report


Climate change could cost Ontario’s provincial and municipal governments up to $116 billion by the end of this century, according to a new report from the province’s accountability officer.

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How to catch your once-in-a-lifetime look at Comet Leonard


Your once-in-a-lifetime chance to see a green comet named C/2021 A1 (a.k.a. Leonard) is here. Astronomy experts, including the comet’s discoverer, offer some tips on when and how to see the comet.

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Who should win the Lou Marsh Trophy?


CBC Sports’ daily newsletter presents some candidates for the Canadian athlete of the year award, which will be decided Wednesday.

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Senate agrees to fast-track bill banning conversion therapy

Senate Expenses 20150609

Canada’s Senate unanimously agreed on Tuesday to fast-track a Liberal government bill to ban the discredited practice of conversion therapy.

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Stories of Black Canadian veterans the focus of new website leading up to federal apology in 2022

Black soldiers in London, Ont., 1918

For over 15 years, historian Kathy Grant has been researching Canada’s Black soldiers, who often faced racism and mostly served in a segregated unit. Last month, Grant launched a new website to share their photos and stories.

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