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Centre Block Rehabilitation Project: A modern Parliament Building for a modern Canada

Public Services and Procurement Canada is restoring and modernizing the buildings and grounds of Canada’s Parliamentary Precinct. Through this rehabilitation project, Centre Block will become sustainable, accessible, and modern while celebrating the architectural style of the building and conserving its heritage elements.

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Centre Block Rehabilitation: Restoring a Canadian icon: Royal Architectural Institute of Canada’s Independent Design Review Panel

Over the past several years, Public Services and Procurement Canada has successfully completed several major restoration and modernization projects on some of the most notable heritage assets in the National Capital, including the Library of Parliament, the Sir John A Macdonald and Wellington buildings, the West Block and the Senate of Canada Building. The standard for design is high in this context, and must be balanced with functionality that serves a variety of uses, notably those of Parliament and the public.

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Police reporting spike in sudden deaths as blistering B.C. heat wave continues


Police in B.C. say they’ve responded to more than three dozen sudden deaths since an extreme heat wave took hold in the province with the danger expected to continue in the face of unrelenting heat still in the forecast over the next several days.

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Kanien’kehá:ka artists Star Horn and Courtney Montour team up on a unique honour to the courageous Kahnawà:ke woman who fought for the rights of First Nations women and children. Mary Two-Axe Earley’s life and legacy celebrated with a Google Canada Doodle on June 28.

With June 28 marking the anniversary of the passing of Bill C-31 into Canadian law in 1985, Google Canada is recognizing this historic day with a Google Canada Doodle collaboration by Kanien’kehá:ka (Mohawk) artists Star Horn and Courtney Montour honouring Mary Two-Axe Earley—the subject of Montour’s National Film Board of Canada short documentary Mary Two-Axe Earley: I Am Indian Again.

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Backgrounder: Proposed Special Review Decisions for Squash Bee Exposure to Neonicotinoids

Today, Health Canada is publishing the proposed special review decisions for potential risks related to squash bee exposure to neonicotinoid pesticides imidacloprid, clothianidin, and thiamethoxam that are registered for use on cucurbits (e.g., pumpkins and squash).

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