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How Kim’s Convenience showcases the difficulties faced by diverse creators

Kim's Convenience finale

Following the cancellation of Kim’s Convenience, both fans and cast members expressed their shock and sorrow over the end of the show. But some in the industry say the emotion over its cancellation is partly because there aren’t enough shows like it in Canada.

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Conservatives’ climate plan would replace Liberal carbon tax with lower one of their own

Conservatives 20210309

After years of criticizing the Liberal carbon tax, the Conservative party is proposing a climate plan that also puts a price on carbon for consumers, according to a copy of the party’s climate change plan obtained by CBC News.

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Canada’s methane emissions are likely undercounted, and that makes them harder to cut

FluxLab in the field

The government estimates methane emissions in the oil and gas sector by mostly relying on mathematical modelling based on a small number of field measurements. But researchers say the government is underestimating those emissions, and better measurement techniques are possible.

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Canada spent $18B on financial supports for the fossil fuel industry last year: report

Cda Oil Prices 20200103

A new report concludes that the federal government dropped at least $18 billion in subsidies on the fossil fuel industry last year — despite the federal Liberals’ stated desire to move the country to a post-carbon economy.

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Biden calls a halt to America’s war in Afghanistan — but it’s a long way from over

Afghanistan Media Killings

Saying it was “time to end America’s longest war” after two decades, U.S. President Joe Biden has announced his country’s pending military withdrawal from Afghanistan. For Americans, the war will soon end. For Afghans, however, it will continue — and may even get worse.

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