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AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine more effective with longer dose gap, study suggests

Virus Outbreak Brazil

AstraZeneca and Oxford University’s COVID-19 vaccine is more effective when its second dose is given three months after the first, instead of six weeks, a peer-reviewed study published in The Lancet medical journal showed on Friday.

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Boardwalk reduction on Alexandra Bridge 

Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) wishes to advise cyclists and pedestrians that the boardwalk on the Alexandra Bridge will be reduced for tests and inspections.

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Government of Canada now closer than ever to Lanaudière and Laurentides agri-food and tourism sectors

Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions grants $1,140,000 in support to two Lanaudière businesses and to two Laurentides organizations and helps create and maintain 24 jobs.

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New Program Launches to Plant Two Billion Trees

Canada is home to healthy and resilient forests that support the well-being of Canadians and our economy by creating thousands of green jobs while absorbing and storing vast amounts of carbon. Canada’s path to net-zero emissions includes protected areas and sustainable forests.

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Government of Canada takes steps to protect critical habitat of Copper Redhorse

A key part of protecting aquatic species at risk is ensuring their critical habitat is also protected. The Government of Canada recognizes that we must safeguard these vital areas—including breeding sites, nursery areas, or feeding grounds—to help our at-risk species recover and survive for future generations.

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