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Santa Claus is cleared for arrival in Canada

With Christmas only hours away, I’m happy to confirm that Santa Claus is coming to town!

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Seizure of contraband and unauthorized items at Springhill Institution 

On December 18, 2020, as a result of the vigilance of staff members, a package containing contraband and unauthorized items was seized on the perimeter of Springhill Institution, a medium security federal institution.

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Celebrating Indigenous Leadership in Clean Energy 

The Honourable Seamus O’Regan, Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources, today announced that 14 projects in the Indigenous Off-Diesel Initiative (IODI) have moved to Phase 2 and received $500,000 in funding to develop a community energy plan, identify and deliver training, and develop a detailed clean energy implementation plan.

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Canada’s Jenna Hellstrom among 6 players waived by NWSL’s Spirit


The National Women’s Soccer League’s Washington Spirit have waived six players, including Canadian international Jenna Hellstrom. The 25-year-old from Sudbury, Ont., played six games this season.

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Here’s what will be allowed and not allowed under Ontario’s provincewide lockdown

Holiday Shoppers, Ottawa

Tighter restrictions on gatherings and businesses take effect on Boxing Day when Ontario implements a provincewide lockdown. Here’s a guide to what’s open, what’s closed and what’s limited.

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