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The Government of Canada announces supplemental top-up Safe Restart funding to Prince Edward Island

The Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, President of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada and Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, announced over $6.4 million in top-up funding for Prince Edward Island.

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Safe Restart funding top-up for Prince Edward Island

When the Safe Restart Agreement was finalized in July, First Ministers recognized that smaller jurisdictions face distinct challenges and circumstances. The Government of Canada committed to providing additional support to Prince Edward Island.

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Major-General Dany Fortin assisting Government of Canada’s vaccine distribution planning

Canada is well positioned to obtain COVID-19 vaccines because of ongoing preparation over the last months. This work to provide every Canadian with access to a vaccine continues, and today, the Honourable Patty Hajdu, Minister of Health, and the Honourable Harjit S. Sajjan, Minister of National Defence, announced that Major-General Dany Fortin and other general officers and staff of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and the Department of National Defence (DND) are assisting the government’s efforts.

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Additional COVID-19 Emergency Funding to Support the Sport Community Through the Provinces and Territories

Support sport: details of funding to the sport sector from the Emergency Support Fund for Cultural, Heritage and Sport Organizations

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Coronavirus: What’s happening in Canada and around the world on Friday

Covid Test ottawa national arts centre nac winter drive-thru coronavirus

Saskatchewan’s health-care system is feeling the strain as COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations rise — and the provincial health authority is warning that some non-essential services are at risk.

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