Having lost her recent bid to enter the House of Commons, Green Party Leader Annamie Paul says she will consult with her caucus before deciding where to run next while working to grow her party’s profile nationally.
Day: October 27, 2020
Rachel Bendayan, Parliamentary Secretary to Mary Ng, Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion and International Trade will participate in a moderated panel discussion at the Toronto Global Forum, on the topic of international trade at a time of global uncertainty. They will discuss how the pandemic has shaped Canada’s international trade priorities, its impact on local businesses, and strategies to support workers and all Canadians.
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, nearly two thirds of Canada’s economy and millions of Canadian jobs depended on international trade and investment. Rules-based international trade, underpinned by multilateral institutions such as the World Trade Organization (WTO), is essential to our economic recovery from COVID-19 and future prosperity for Canadians.